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Akita Puppies Near me

About Us

We are a family Hobbie breeder located in Bear, De and have been breeding Akitas since 2006. We love the breed and all it has to offer. Our first akitas is what made us fall in love with this breed, after owning them we decided that no other breed can compare with them.


We breed large bear head Akitas with Sound Disposition, Great Temperaments, and Solid Structure. We Breed for the family pet as well as the Show dog. We started out breeding for temperament mostly, as time went on we entered the show ring and started breeding for comformation as well. Im not going to go into how great our dogs are. You can see that for yourself through the kids pages along with the videos and all the pictures we have. We are not the type of people that shows nothing but show victories on our site thus far being considered as "professional". We show the dirty pics and videos also. We show the proof that our dogs are made for the family... This is unlike so many show breeders out their do. To be completely honest, our number one concern for our dogs is that they are family orientated and are great with kids as well as the family. Good looks come second. 


We dont believe in breeding for money, We dont believe in the breeer that says "We breed for our kids to enjoy the birth process" We dont believe in the breeders that choose not to do health testings on their dogs, We dont believe in the breeders that choose not to use a contract with the sales of their pups, or the people that doesnt have it in writing that they demand the return of their pups in the event the buyers cant keep them. If you are one of these breeders, then Im sorry but we cant work with you.


Our dogs are our family and we want them to be yours too. By this I mean, Its important to treat your dog as one of your kids. If you are running to the store for a few things and then right back, Why not let the dog come along for the ride? You would never put your kids in a prong collor, so why use one on your dog? You will teach your kids and help them to learn to be good people, so why not train your dog for the same thing? Again, we believe in treating our dogs as our kids.


Please take the time to look through our site to learn more about us and who we are. 

Thank you for takeing the time to get to know us and our family.



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